From one of the best artist and photographers image blogs . I can't say who the photographer was since google decided not to translate Catalan for me. I love the symmetry not to mention the difficulty of photographing two dancers on swinging ropes but this is sheer poetry.

It's a bit too late for me to put this on my "bukkit lizt" but I dreamt of defying gravity in my younger days. Now the "bukkit lizt" has 'learn to waltz' as my only ambition. ( and staying upright while I do)
That second image would be great as a brooch, or something, in bronze or silver.
Beautiful. I love to dance. Just not where I can be seen, since it's not a pretty sight.
I thought they were stills from James Bond title sequences.
Jen, yes. that second image. Spectacular.
Very Art Nouveau!
Helen, I cannot leap 2 inches off the ground so performers like her just amaze me.
River, never mind dirty dancing, secret dancing is the way to go at our age. I do a mean latin to Ricky Martin but it ain't pretty.
Fleetwood, I love the title sequences from Bond films usually better than the actual film.
Davo, inspired to do a little leaping around the sand dunes dressed as nature intended?
Jayne, so right and it's getting that instant just right.
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