See you start off looking at a frosty funny looking square piece of rough sapphire. You look through it, trying to see the heart of it. Turn it every which way and upside down. Study it again and talk to it. Dream about it until it starts to speak to you. Grind it down with diamond dust and polish it with love and then let it warm you with its fire.
heh the rough version reminds me of an anticol cough lolly! (not the yellow one obviously)
It's amazing what you can achieve with Photoshop.
You two take the romance out of everything but it does look like an Anticol,Fen.
Not talking to the Pom but am sending loads of birthday wishes to his much better half, Hi Michelle. Buy her a sapphire.
Now THAT'S my stone!! How do I get it please?
(it looks a little like one of my crystals, don't remember which one....)
Oh oh...it's Michelle's birthday, isn't it? I wonder if that all-night garage is still open...
Tres prettiful.
River, now you see what I mean by parti-colour gems that talk. I don't think it would have looked anything in a round brilliant cut.
Fleetwood, I hope you had something really special for her birthday and something from the cat as well. Never do things by halves.
Jayne, we should have been rich instead of beautiful and intelligent.
But you didn't tell me where I can buy it.....
You still here? ;-)
I tried to cook her the cat for her birthday meal. Unfortunately it jumped out of the pot, so she had to make do with raw turnips instead.
River, fat but not dumb, you might beat me to it.
Of course I'm still here, ever known a woman to shut her mouth voluntarily?
Fleetwood, the least you could have done was find a Roman hoard, everyone else seems to be doing it.
How's the volcanic ash over your way?
Hmpf! HMPF!! I say.
River, you can always print it out and put it in your wish book. My wish book is 2 inches thick.
Gerry; don't fight, get clever.
Good to catch up. I keep having this nagging urge to blog again, but so far I've manged to kill it.
Dear Bear, you always said you can never leave the asylum but blogging wasn't good for you. For me, it's been the only contact with human beings, I use the term lightly, for the last three years.
divine stone.
keep blogging, you're one of the few humans I like contact with.
Wow - thats what I mean when I call Don a rough diamond...its on the inside where the beauty is - on the outside he looked good and interesting but a pale reflection of what was to be found inside...
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