And to match the penguins, a diamond encrusted polar bear sitting on aquamarines.
The watch collection for the Voyages is just amazing. This is obviously Africa from Five Weeks in a Balloon.
From Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, the Medusa jelly fish brooch.
Back to Africa and diamond monkeys.
The whale pin in the last VC&A post has a hidden mechanism that when pressed makes the whale spout of water appear and disappear.
I lost myself for an hour just looking at the watches of the collection never mind the other goodies.
Just glorious. Strange to think that the same world contains blubber babe and these beauties. They are truly beautiful. Thank you for showing them to us.
Come on, come on, Jah teh. They are just stones. Pretty stones, indeed, but just stones.
That polar bear looks like a very expensive advert for Fox's Glacier Mints.
EC, they had no prices attached and if we had to ask we couldn't afford them but beauty they are.
Frances, it's not just the stones, but the hidden secret mechanisms. I couldn't find an image of the turtle but it is inside a shell, press the clip and he crawls out. It's the imagination to think of this then the artistry to make it pretty and the engineering to finish. I'm jealous, I'm having trouble just stringing a bead necklace at the moment.
MiLord, get used to the bears, the way the ice cap is melting you could have them swimming up the Wyre any time. Do you realize that when the next civilization rises from our ashes, there are going to be some really good hoards waiting to be unearthed.
Bear hoards. They're a bugger for stashing fish heads.
I don't like that top necklace at all, but I love the jellyfish brooch. The animal ones are so cute, I can't decide which I like best, so I'd best have them all....
all gorgeous and the dear little Knut bear just had me composing something re Eating An Old Etonian - go Bears!
<a href="http://X X Annie o'D</a>
Ha! I am not awake yet from yesterdays exhaustive excursion across melb with Pants blogger.
X X Annie o'D
River, unlike me you probably don't have the bazooms to hold up that necklace. The jellyfish are solid opal.
There's nothing like a hungover brownie.
Will you ban me from this blog if I sugges you change the name to BlingBlog? (Grins,ducks, and runs away into the dark night, cackling madly.)
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