She loves her dotted glass beads, dotting with a shaped glass rod instead of glass stringers so that she can be precise. After each dot is placed she starts melting them at the same rate before adding the next layer and finally adding transparent dots on top of the opaque dots. The surface tension squeezes the dots into diamonds and squares according to how tightly spaced the original dots and transparent glass were placed.

But she doesn't just use the beads for necklaces, in her hands they can become anything. The Amber tea pot is 16.5 x 16.5 x 9.5 cm and is one of a series.

And don't the dotty beads look gorgeous as candlesticks. You can see here the surface dotted beads and the worked dots under transparent glass.

The large green bead in the 3rd row down is her famous cactus bead. Every dot of glass positioned equally across the surface. I couldn't scan the photograph of her work bench but I was happy to see I'm not the only person who works in a 2 foot square space in the middle of a room full of equipment.
They are exquisite. I lust after the teapot but would be afraid to use it. The candlesticks would fit into this house very well too, and those beads ...
EC, her beads are magic but I dont think I could afford them. The teapot comes in 4 colours but I like the red best.
Ah, you find such pretty things. I, too, lust after the teapot, but I'd also be too scared to use it. But the looking is almost as good as the owning :)
I love those beads!
Ax, I love the feel of beads like this and the teapot is one of those things that if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it. Not for the home containing kids and cats.
River, stand in line. It's the translucent coating that gives them that lovely depth.
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