I was fascinated by these images taken by photographer Svjetlana Tepavcevic when I came across them in New Scientist. Being too lazy to get up and fetch the magazine before I wrote about them I thought I would just search for 'seed photographs' and did I get a bonanza of a site when I recognized one of her seed photographs. I'd love to know why in a search for seed photographs I managed to get so many wedding photographs, strange.
Svjetlana became interested in seeds after finding a strange object near her house in Los Angeles. She plans to publish a book of her photographs but in the meantime go here to see some brilliant examples of macro photography.
This is the inner lining of the seed pod of Marah macrocarpus or bigroot, a type of wild cucumber that twines around trees.
This is the seed pod of Koelreuteria elegans, the Chinese rain tree.
And a nutmeg seed still wrapped in its outer covering strands of mace.
Tomas Rak's speciality is photographing insects and don't do what I did and put it up as wallpaper and forget. It's a real heartstopper when starting up the computer in the morning.
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This one is even better as wall paper if you have the nerve. |
Don't miss looking at Corrie White's lovely water drops either or miss the wonderful macro images of snowflakes. There are so many other images I think I'm going to enjoy Bloodyloud.com.
Your search probably brought you wedding photos because so many wedding dresses are decorated with SEED pearls.
That last image is really pretty.
And all of these photographers have the talent and the eyes to see the beauty in minutae. That is a stunning site. Thank you.
I'm back! What's been happening?
Water drops, yes. Many-eyed spiders - Nooooooo!
River, not only weddings but some other weird stuff. Not just seeds but some real nuts out there on the web.
EC, a dear friend of mine has gone into the macro photography and his flower studies are something. I thought his animal studies from the African trip were his best but he's getting better.
Just the usual, MiLord, fat, diabetes, blood pressure, mother still alive despite my worst attentions, new cat shredding the curtains. Same old, same old. I see they're still finding hoards in Britain but your name never comes up.
Kath, don't they look pretty with all those eyes especially when they're flat on paper. You'll love the snowflakes, being so up close and personal with them lately.
"What beautiful eyes you have Grandma".
Don't forget the two in the back of my head.
Looove macro stuff, wish I had the money to invest in a good macro lens.
"I see they're still finding hoards in Britain but your name never comes up."
That's because I gave up on archaeology - or rather on archaeologists. Nowadays I'm sat around twiddling my thumbs or just sleeping. It's a great improvement.
Fen, just think of the fantastic photos you could have taken of all those staple stitches. At least you take great self photos, I can't even do that.
Well I never! Lord Hughes has gone the way of all the aristos, getting a Phd in bum sitting. If you're going to twiddle your thumbs at least get some wool and make the cats a blanket.
I'm only twiddling my thumbs on the archaeology front, Witchy. Elsewhere I'm currently into oil painting, bad poetry and cat pampering.
Stunning as usual Jahteh. Orchids work pretty well too, usually.
MiLord, Nudes? Surely a self portrait of a former archaeologist with minimal clothing would be worthy of a showing at the Tate and don't forget the cats, always a sale booster. You must be better than Lucien Freud, I can't stand his daubings.
LL, google the winner of last year's Eureka prize, Dr. Mark Talbot's 'Another day in the life of arabidopsis'. Scientists love it because they can manipulate it's genes into all sorts of stuff, probably how Triffids got started.
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