Miss O'Dyne sent me this image some time ago when I was drooling on about velvet gowns and at 17 I really wanted to be this sophisticated. At 18 I managed to get the hair right and on my best coat I had an Arctic Fox fur collar. In those far off days of walking and freezing trains and no way of ever owning a car, I needed the warmth and we weren't exactly taught the moral ethics of not killing animals for fashion. The velvet dresses came later, much too late for the kind of lounging that Miss Elegance has perfected. I remembered this photo while I was wandering through the luxury items of Buccellati jewellers and I knew these ruby and diamond earrings would be perfect and of course a matching bracelet to complete the decadence.
Now we can start the bitching. Her straggling hair. Her bra straps. Her shapeless velvet and miles too short dress. Heavy belt, grungy jewellery and "shooties", cross between a shoe and a boot. You see what I mean about "old", it isn't elegant to me. It isn't even good dressing. I would wear that out to get the milk. But that's just me and even if she was my granddaughter I'd never say a word to her face. Behind her back is another matter. What's life when you're old without something to bitch about. At least she hasn't the bad taste to wear my beloved Buccellati rubies with it.
The colour is nice though - which I could say to her face.
I think it's time your husband came back.
EC, I just love any velvet but wine colour is mine.
Robert, why would I want an old man back in my life? I've really tried to remember a Christmas where he wasn't pissed from 24th December, his birthday, to 2nd of January. I suppose there must have been some but I just remember the others.
She doesn't appreciate her yoof and figure...give her about 10 years, several breakdowns, rehab visits, a bakers dozen of kids, 8 more husbands and a centrefold spread that needs to be air-brushed and she'll suddenly realise she could have done haute couture with more finesse.
Youth and Fashion don't belong in the same sentence. The fabric is lovely, pity she hand-sewed it without a pattern....
That first dress is stunning and the earrings are too, but I don't like the bracelet.
Sadly she could probably afford to buy a lot of Bucellati with the huge income from the touring career she refused to curtail when darling Rusty wanted to have a family.
Jayne nailed it.
Best wishes to all for a most excellent 2014
The first woman would have been wearing a crushing "girdle" (remember them?) and a really scary bra with underwire and maybe boning. No, I mean actual bone :) not thatkind :) The young woman - I don't know who she is because I don't follow celebs much - looks like she's healthy and happy and able to breathe.
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