Image there is from England where it's Spring. That's the Seaham Lighthouse, County Durham, 33 feet high and the 50 foot waves belting the coast over the Easter break.
We had good rain from a thunderstorm last night with more expected over the next few days.
The Citrus trees breathed a sigh of relief but I'll keep filling the bucket in the shower.
I keep filling the bucket in our shower too... (with shower water, naturally.) Trouble with kids is - and once again I invite you to celebrate not having them in your house right now - that they tend to get into the shower and tip it out before I've had a chance to deal with it.... this being the same kids who can, however, leave numerous wet towels on the floor for hours...... what? what do you mean this comments box is not a forum for me to whinge about the small people who keeps trashing my house and thus making my life excessively complicated????
That's a stunning photo, mind if I save it?
I can't have buckets in my shower, there'd be no room for me. Instead I cut my shower time to 1+1/2 minutes, unless I'm washing my hair.
We had snow in Fleetwood over Easter. Great fun...if only because it kept the grockles at bay.
Bella, I hate to tell you this but it doesn't get any better with the wet towells, instead they migrate from the bathroom to the bedroom.
Whinge away, I have a mother.
River, I have it as wallpaper and it looks brilliant. Shower time of one and a half minutes would barely wet the left leg.
Fleetwood, you said your corner of the world didn't get snow. Once again I bet you left the sheep out on the fells.
Is that what the wet stuff that is falling from the sky?!
Jayne it belted down here this morning then this afternoon, beautiful autumn sunshine. My citrus trees are de-stressing already.
What a photo.
I am on tank water and for the first time since we moved here on March 29th (thats today wow I just realised) 2004 all three water tanks are chockerblock full, so I have plenty and the ground is wet so no point in watering... last year we had to buy a couple of tanker loads of water because we had none...its always famine or plenty in Australia so it seems...
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